Pastor’s Desk February 4th

Scripture Passage:  “Forasmuch as an excellent spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, and shewing of hard sentences, and dissolving of doubts, were found in the same Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar: now let Daniel be called, and he will show the interpretation.”   Daniel 5:12
Dear Friends,
      What kind of spirit are you known for?    Are you known for having an even temperament  and cool head under pressure or for being a hot head?  Would you be called a kind and generous soul or one who is bitter and tight fisted?  Are you known as a peacemaker or one who stirs up trouble and contention?  Are you the kind of friend a friend would like to have or a self-centered control freak who has to have everything their way?  I believe these are good questions because everyone is known for something.  The better question, however, would be what does God know you for?  When the spotlight fades, the curtain closes, and the crowd disperses who are you in the dark?  Some are very good at putting up a false façade and being a “snake in the grass” working covertly behind the scenes, but God knows the real you.  So do those closest to you.
Several years ago, our youth did a study entitled, “Dare To Be A Daniel.”  It was based upon Daniel’s life of bondage and submission unto the Babylonian kings, but also his obedience and loyalty to the God of Israel.  Daniel never forgot where he came from, who he was, or where he was going.  Daniel never put on a show. He never made a public scene to show up his masters.  He never protested on the town square.  He never argued with his accusers.  He just silently went about his business of serving the king with integrity and honor while at the same time remaining loyal to His KING.  Those who hated him noticed, the king’s wife noticed, and even all the kings he served under noticed and publically admitted there is no God like the God of Daniel.  Daniel outlived his accusers and even the kings he served under.  His life of service, submission, and obedience became the characteristics Godly Legends are made of.  His name today is synonymous with submission and integrity without compromise.
     Daniel had developed a reputation as an interpreter of dreams.  He had interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams a few years before and then slipped into anonymity of service while Nebuchadnezzar slipped off into eternity.  A new king took his place who was pompous and brash enough to use the temple vessels to drink wine from and get drunk.  During the drunken festivities a hand appeared and wrote upon the wall of the palace.  The words were unfamiliar to him and the mysterious hand changed his countenance and shook him to his very core.  In the terms of my children, “It scared the crap out of him and made his knees knock.”  (Daniel 5:6)  He went from being “ten feet tall and bullet proof” to being terrified like a little child.    All the king’s lords were astonished at the transformation.
     Thank God for wives that keep up with what is going on in the kingdom.  The queen told him of a man in his kingdom that had served his father well and had the reputation of having an excellent spirit filled with understanding and wisdom.  The queen had faith in Daniel and his GOD and encouraged the king to call for him.  Apparently the queen was smarter than the king, but he did take her advice and called for Daniel to come. The interpretation of the dream was not what he had hoped for.  That night Belshazzar would be slain and the kingdom would be transferred to Darius of the Medes.  The respect Belshazzar had for Daniel was to make him the third ruler of the kingdom as his last official proclamation before his death. He was clothed in scarlet and a gold chain placed around his neck as a sign of honor.  So it does matter what people think about you and what God knows about you.  May it be said every morning by the Devil and our enemies, “Oh No!   He/She is awake.”
In Christ,
Pastor Johnny
