Pastor’s Desk February 18th

Scripture Passage:  “And Satan answered the Lord, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.  But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face.  And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.”   Job 2:4-6
Dear Friends,
     The week I am writing this has been a time of unexpected events and stressful waiting.  I go up Sunday morning and went to church early to prepare for the first service.  I never carry my phone with me on Sunday so I was surprised when Amanda came holding her phone out to me with a call from Patty.  She said she was taking Emily to the emergency room to be checked and to have some test run for the pain in her back and chest.  They went to the hospital.  I preached two worship services.  I got another call from Patty.  She said, “Get up here as quick as you can.  They are admitting her into the hospital.  They found a mass on her trachea and are suspicious of it being lymphoma.”  I announced to the small remnant at the church what was going on and they met with me and prayed for Emily at the altar.  Afterwards, I began the thirty-five trudge to the hospital.  In the space of three hours my heart went through every gamut of emotions known to man.
     The past four days and nights have been filled with anxious, stressful anticipation and fervent, passionate prayer.  We believe and trust God in all things, but are not sure we want to hear what the doctor has to say.  Every procedure, every test, every report answers one question, but raises a dozen more.  Every time the door opens we all sit up thinking it will be the doctor to give us the report form the biopsy.  There is a sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach, a tightening of muscles, and a shot of adrenaline that produces an overwhelming rush of emotions.  When it is nothing more than a nurse to change an IV bag or a friend to say hello, it leaves you feeling more tired than you have ever been before.  Minutes drag into hours, hours into days, and days into weeks.  We have been here before as a family, but not quite like this.
     The doctor just came in and shared with us that the test for lymphoma came back NEGATIVE!  Praise the Lord.  He said it was not 100% conclusive, but it made him more satisfied with the treatment of antibiotics.  He will send her home tomorrow on antibiotics and then see her again in about two weeks.  If symptoms are better and chest x-ray is clear, then they will be certain it was just a pocket of infection.  If not, they will do a more extensive biopsy.  We are thankful for your prayers and grateful to God for his mercy and grace.  Keep her in your prayers.
In Christ
Pastor Johnny
